Kamis, 24 November 2011

This Posting is about my Besties in grade 9Th .. =)

 every one has friends. has besties or best friends too. and i want to tell and introduce you to my besties.. :D

I have 8 besties , they are : Anita, Dea, Ellen, Gaby, Katrin, Rhea, Seli, and Zerlin ..

want to look their pictures ?? Here we go.. :)









cerita persahabatan kita itu mulai dari kelas 7. yakni 7 A...
aku di kelas itu sekelas sama Dea, Ellen, Zerlin..
waktu dulu klas 7, ak juga punya temen" deket yang laen, such as mereka bertiga (Dea - Ellen - Zerlin) Tessa, and Melisa :)

dan di kelas 8... 8 A....
aku, dea, ellen, zerlin, masih sekelas, tp udah ga sekelas lg sm tessa 'n melisa.. *tp kita tetep temen kok sampe sekarang :')
di kelas 8 A ini, aku ketemu sama Anita, Gaby, Rhea, 'n Seli...

di kelas 9, 9 A...
kita semua ga ada yang pisah :D
kita semua selalu bareng", hangout, makan wktu istirahat, dll lah.. XD

smpe sini aj yah ceritanya- enough for my share about my besties :D

new photos hangout : 18 - 11 - 2011

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